Freitag, Februar 08, 2008


This is not a story about love.

This is not a story about romance.

This is a story about infatuation. Lust. Obsession.

And above all, this is a story about jealousy.

Now, I'm not proud of these things.
Perhaps a more rational person would not have done the things that I've done.

But when you want someone- when you really want someone-
you'll be surprised just how far the obsession will take you.

I am going to tell you how far I went. What I did. All the hoorible little things I did. All the lies I told to cover up for them.

But the worst part? I's not the lies. Nor the things I've done or the thoughts I had. It's that I am absolutly sure I would do all of it again if I had to.
Jealousy does that to you. To everyone. This nagging inside, the constant questioning... Everyone has that. Some people are strong enough to see it as it is,
and than ignore it. Others... well, we can't do that. It bruns us alive and lets us no other way out.
We have to act. Jealousy awakes a passion in us that is stronger than everything else. It may be disguised as love, but it is pure want.
It is selfish, but we are only human after all.
A primal emotion that has always been there. Some of the greatest tragedys you ever heard of happened out of jealousy.
I am going to add another one....


Ich habe gerade einen mörder-schreibflash... *smirk* Das hier ist quasi der Teaser.

5 Kommentare:

桜・ネリ hat gesagt…

Ach du hast auch nen Schreibflash? Bei geht das auch seit Wochen so, aber irgendwie komme ich nie dazu ^^.

BTW hab deinen Blog grad im Forum serviert bekommen und dachte hey schau mal rein.

Wenn ich wüsste wie es geht würde ich dich adden, aber bin zu blöd dafür *lach*

Anonym hat gesagt…

großartiger Teaser! :D

Anonym hat gesagt…

Ich bin gespannt.

Anonym hat gesagt…

Das anonyme war ich, nur irritiert von der Kommentarfunktion.

Illyria hat gesagt…

Das Forum verschafft einem tatsächlich eue Leser... ;)